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21 September 2013

Remember That Time?

Remember that time
When we walked on the beach?
You brought me gifts
And kisses
You held me close
As we watched the sunrise
Over the sea

Remember that time?
No, you do not
Because it never happened
Except in my dreams
When I sleep
Restless and fearful 
Over your noise

Remember that time
When we took a family vacation
To Niagara Falls
Just because
And we laughed 
As the torrent splashed on our heads
You held my hand

Remember that time?
No, you do not
Because it never happened
It was in a movie
Movie family
Not at all like real life for us
We sit in the dark

Remember that time?
When your son won the game
The winning basket
Or home run
Hero of the team
Carried off the field on shoulders
You were so proud

Remember that time?
You can't remember
Because it never happened
Three chances
You lost
Boys become men 
They will remember

Copyright 2013 H Maria Perry
All Rights Reserved

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